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It's my great pleasure to share a few of the Mum Making skills that I have learned over the last ten years. Just like there are a million ways to paint a house, there are many different names and techniques used to create a beautiful Mum. These are just a few of the things that I've learned from my "Fairy Mum Mommas". I've been very fortunate to collaborate with Melissa, the owner and BRAINS behind Melz Mums. She has detailed written instructions on her blog for many mum making skills. I've linked her blog here.  Happy Learning! MG

DRILL TEAM HAT Plastic flocked cowboy hat Scissors Pencil Clear glue pen Cardstock or thin foam Spray glue Extra fine glitter Ribbon trim

FLOWER POWER Ruler Scissors 2 colors of 7/8" ribbon (satin acetate and metallics like diamond dust work best) 12 yds of each color

DELUXE SPIRIT Ruler Scissors Stapler 4 colors of 7/8" ribbon (satin acetate and metallics like diamond dust work best) 4 yds of each color

MUM FLOWER PREP Pipe Cleaners Hot glue gun Hot glue stick Mum flower Wire cutters

VICTORY BRAID Scissors Stapler 7/8" ribbons 3yds long x 4 (I use Reliant 5400 and diamond dust in this tutorial.)

LOVE BRAID Ruler Scissors Stapler 3 colors of 7/8" ribbon (satin acetate and metallics like diamond dust work best) 5 yds of each color

GRADUATION LEI Scissors Lighter (Optional) 5 yds of 5/8" satin or grosgrain ribbon (2-4 colors)

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